Friday, November 13, 2009

Wedding Bells

Conversation between Kara and I this morning while we were washing dishes together...

Kara: Mom, I am all ready to get married.

Me: Oh, really? Tell me about it.

Kara: Well, I have a wedding dress already. The one from Uncle Josh's wedding! (this was over 2 years ago, and Kara was the flower girl...might be a wee bit small :)

Me: Yes, that is a beautiful dress. I hope it still fits. You might need some alterations. :) (now I'm giggling!) Umm, who will you marry?

Kara: Oh mom (with that, "isn't it obvious" look on her face), I will marry Daddy of course! He's the best Daddy and Husband.

Me: I agree completely! He is amazing! Who will you invite to the wedding?

Kara: ALL (with great 3 year old emotion) of my friends...Shelby, Shanna, Isabelle, Kailyn, Shiloh, Amber, .....(the list went on and on...and on)

Me: Well, that sounds really nice Kara.

Kara: You'll come too, won't ya mom?

Me: Wouldn't miss it!

I love the conversations we have, especially when I see our kids picking up on how amazing their dad is!! We are so blessed, and I pray that our little girls will find husbands just like their daddy!


  1. Awww...that is so sweet! Reminds of the old "I Want to Marry Daddy When I Grow Up" song by Patch the Pirate.

  2. yey! kara obviously has good taste (just like her momma:) we'll keep grooming noah and get him some spectacles so maybe he can substitute for ben at the wedding:)
