Friday, October 16, 2009

What was I thinking?

This morning I had the fantastic idea of making sugar cut-out cookies with my kids. You see, Thanksgiving is approaching, and I'm starting to get that warm, fuzzy holiday feeling at times. So, I thought this would be a way of doing something kind of festive, without really doing something Christmas-y too early. Doesn't that sound fun to you?
My goal was also to accomplish some educational goals. Kara is learning her shapes right now, so I thought it would be fun for her to be able to cut shapes out of the dough and then get to eat them later. What better way is there to learn your shapes? And, of course Luke and Ellie would enjoy the whole adventure too, right? We would make wonderful memories for years to come! Well, it took the WHOLE morning, and the twins cried nearly the entire time. The house was basically destroyed by the time we were finished, not to mention flour EVERYWHERE which tends to happen when a three year old is baking. What made me think that they would be OK with stopping at just one, or two, or in Luke's case three cookies? They knew there were more, and I could not distract them from this fact. At times I just laughed, and a few times I nearly cried. They were out of control! There were a few positives to this fiasco. Kara behaved marvelously. She tried to help me by logically explaining the situation to Luke and Ellie. She told them they would get tummy aches if they ate any more and that cookies were just once in a while treats since they are not very healthy for us. She had one cookie, and asked for no more. Phew!! This was a highlight! And, I suppose, God was supplying more opportunities for me to train Luke and Ellie's little hearts.

The drama is over. The cookies are safely put out of sight, and now it's just the "normal" chaos taking place with my three little cherubs :)

1 comment:

  1. i wish i could have been there! i'm so proud of you for taking on something of that magnitude for the benefit of your children. i really do think it will be a memory for years to come. the things we remember most have some "conflict" involved...if it went entirely smoothly no one would remember:) i think you're such a great mom and i love that you take the time to share things like this to encourage us other moms trying to find our way as we strive to train our "little cherubs".
