Tuesday, September 28, 2010

36 weeks along!!!!!!

Actually, I'm 36 weeks and 5 days along. Every day counts at this point! This means less than 4 weeks to go in this pregnancy!! I am SO very ready to be done. I know, the real work begins on the day we meet this little one, but I'm ready to move from the "joys" :) of pregnancy to looking into her eyes, and yes, even feeding her in the middle of the night. We must admit that we are excited to be able to have one baby to care for instead of two at one time. We LOVE our twins, and I wouldn't trade a moment of their lives, but that sure was a lot of work, and often I feel like I never got to enjoy the infant stage due to pure exhaustion! I'm so glad we have so many pictures of them as infants as we so often were in such a fog just trying to get everyone fed, changed and sleeping. I'm so thankful that God blessed me with an amazing husband who endured every sleepless night with me! He is my fave :)

Kara, Luke and Ellie are so excited to meet their little sister, and I know she will be well loved and protected! The kids have had some practice with new babies at church, and they all understand that, and I quote, "we get to have one of THOSE at our house." :)

1 comment:

  1. HOW INCREDIBLLY KA-YUTE are you?!?!?! thank you SO much for posting that.
